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Iptu Arifin Bachdar replaces Ipda Hendrik as Paleleh Police Chief

BUOL, – Buol Police Chief AKBP Dieno Hendro Widodo, S.I.K.,led the handover of the post (sertijab) of Paleleh Police Chief by implementing health protocols located at the Hall of Pendopo Pakambuando Buol Police, Wednesday (5/5/2021).

The Police Chief in his mandate conveyed that the sertijab and the handover of positions or mutations in the polri organization that has been implemented is part of the refresh of the Police institution, as an effort to improve managerial governance and human resource development process.

According to the Police Chief, this sertijab is also intended as a positive step in order to regenerate leadership in the Police, especially in the Central Sulawesi Police Buol Police.

“So it is expected that the improvement of performance quality and organizational dynamics can run in accordance with the program and performance achievement targets that have been set,” said AKBP Dieno Hendro Widodo.

As The Chief of Police Buol and staff, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Chief of Police Paleleh Ipda Hendrik, S.H.,who has shown his devotion and loyalty during his tenure who received promotion to the position in the new place of duty.

To the new official, Chief of Police Buol also congratulated on the promotion of his position and hoped to make the position as a mandate and quickly formulate a work program, especially in implementing the 100-Day Police Chief program, namely The Precision Police and improving the achievement of tasks that have been achieved by previous officials.

“Immediately inventory problems or obstacles that exist in the region to be able to find solutions to create a conducive Kamtibmas in facing the challenges of the task ahead,” he said.

The official who followed the sertijab was Ipda Hendrik, S.H.,who previously served as Paleleh Police Chief and got a promotion as Ps. Chief of Police Balaesang Donggala Police Station Sulteng police replaced by Iptu Arifin Bachdar who previously served as Paur Sub Bag Dal Ops Bag Ops Police Buol Central Sulawesi Police.

At the end of his direction, Buol Police Chief AKBP Dieno Hendro Widodo, S.I.K.,congratulated the new office on duty, hopefully more success, always given health and safety in duty and still maintain silatulrahmi. (ray)

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